Most people know that CPAs are known for helping people prepare and file taxes. Small business owners who work with CPA firms probably also know that CPAs are in a great position to help with bookkeeping and accounting as well. If you’re new to business (or have...
Cash Flow Management
How to Calculate Cash Flow (and Why This Number Matters)
As a small business owner, it can sometimes feel like you’re alone on a desert island with no help in sight for the endless financial reports you have to deal with. This blog post on how to understand and calculate cash flow is the 3rd in a series we’ve been doing on...
3 Most Important Types of Financial Statements Your Business Needs
It’s a question that most of us have been asked at a dinner party at some point in our lives: “If you were in a plane crash and stranded on a desert island, what one _____ would you want with you?” In 2005, The Office did an episode titled “The Fire” in which a small...
4 Winning Strategies on How to Manage Cash Flow in Your Business
Learning how to manage cash flow is one of the best business skills you could ever learn. Sadly, it’s something a lot of business owners never figure out, which is why so many of them are stressed and stretched to the limit. They operate from moment to moment with...
3 Reasons to Check With Your CPA Before Making Big Business Decisions
Vegemite is like nothing else on the planet. Australians love it. They’ve written songs about it. It has its own national holiday. In fact, it’s so celebrated down under that it was the first product on the continent to be electronically scanned at a grocery checkout...