Don’t Make These Costly Payroll Mistakes! We’ll Show You a Better Way.
Running payroll on your own may save you money on overhead but could lead to costly mistakes in the long-run. In our free webinar, our payroll experts will teach you how to avoid costly mistakes and handle this task with confidence.
You’ll hear from several of our payroll experts who will cover the following topics:
- The best way to onboard new employees so you avoid payroll issues later on
- How to handle overtime
- Handling hourly employees vs salaried employees
- The tax deadlines you’re most likely to miss
We will also conduct a live Q&A so you can get your questions answered.
Sign Up to Watch the Webinar
Sign up using the form below and we’ll send you a recording of the webinar.
We get it! When you’re doing payroll on your own, it’s easy to make simple mistakes that can turn out to be pretty costly. CRS CPA has been helping businesses just like yours across all types of industries for over 40 years. Our team of accounting, tax, payroll, and strategy experts has the experience to help you save time and money as you grow your business.